About AI 4D City (AI4City) Lab

4D refers to 3D space plus time series modeling. As the type and density of the remote sensing data continue to grow exponentially, Dr. Wufan Zhao and his AI4City Lab aim to help pioneer computationally efficient AI-based processing and modeling strategies to solve complex and practical urban problems by integrating the multi- dimensional/modal characteristics of big earth observation data.

Our research is being conducted in two aspects. Firstly, a 3D city scene environment (including structured LoDs building models, infrastructures, land covers, etc.) reconstruction framework is being built on which any geo-referenced objects model at the instance level can be founded. Secondly, it is being studied how GIS, IoT data can be modeled in an nD way accordingly for specific application fields (e.g., built-environment, human dynamic, public health, urban climate, etc.)

Our research is both mission- and impact-oriented. We integrate data analytics and modeling technologies to achieve specific goals and contribute to the public good. Whether we are developing a physical product, analyzing trends at micro and macro levels, or creating new processes for optimal efficiencies, our work is always focused on sustainable development of the urban environment.

Research Interests


Open Webinar

The AI4City Academic Lecture Series aims to help our students stay connected with researchers in related fields. At the same time, we also hope to be at the cutting edge of AI and Earth observation and make key contributions to solving practical urban problems, as well as facilitating technology transfer. Check our 2024Spring Webinar series here.

We encourage the scientific community and the general public interested in these topics to join our hybrid seminars. If you are interested in attending a particular seminar, please send an email to ai4city.hkust@outlook.com with the title of the talk as the subject. We look forward to meeting you soon!